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Hearth Stang

The Geassa


The Magical Arts

In nature there exists an underlying current; a continuity of wisdom and consciousness manifesting itself in magical practices the world over.  Western culture is no exception.  This link with nature has continued, changing form and expression, yet, remaining as a living current hidden in traditional Western Magical Arts.  Whether this be through Hermetic teachings, Alchemy and Astrology, or those practices found in Traditional Witchcraft, each of these are expressions of this ancient wisdom.  We call this current the Geassa; a Gaelic word referring to a ‘sacred bond’.  

Yet, the Geassa is much more.  It can be understood as the living consciousness of nature itself, laying just beyond the awareness of most people.  This living consciousness manifests itself in the spiritual practices of indigenous people the world over.  It is for this reason that we find surprisingly similar symbols, rituals and practices across cultures.  Traditonal Witchcraft and the magical arts of Hermetics and Ancient Egypt bring the hidden wisdom of nature through in rich detail.

An important part of our system is the formng of connections with otherworld beings.  In particular those who watch over, partake in and carry these teachings forward.  Whether considered as Goddesses and Gods, Elders, Familiar Spirits or the intelligences behind and within nature, they are vital to this system of magic.  One of the primary beings whom we work with and honor is "The Mistress" ... "The Lady";   a sentient otherworld being who makes her presence known through our rites and practices.

The Lady

Esoterica is committed to providing in-depth information on all aspects of the Art devoid of the religious overtones which have crept into it during the past aeon.   From historical documentation, philosophical analysis of ancient teachings, to the very real practical application of these techniques in daily life; all form an important part of the research we are doing.  

To this end we are releasing a three volume series of books entitled The Geassa.

  • The Willow Path:  Witchcraft, Hermetics & the Hidden Wisdom of the Magical Arts

  • Horns of the Moon: Techniques in Traditional Magical Arts

  • The Art: A Grimoire of Traditional Witchcraft

These explore the wisdom that connects Traditional Witchcraft, Hermetics and ritual magic as a practical system of the Art for today.

For more information on the Geassa Trilogy click on the links below:
